Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Relational Database Systems And Relational Databases
Relational Database Systems The idea of relational database was first introduced by E.F.Codd at IBM in 1970. It is a kind of computer database in which data is stored in Relations and is represented in the form of tables with rows and columns. Databases can vary in sizes, ranging from very small and simple to very large and complex ones. Database users can access the data practically in an unlimited number of ways. Relational databases help in finding the information in a quick and efficient manner that one is looking for.Today many popular databases use the model of relational database. The invention of relational databases have brought a number of changes to the business world in which they operate specially for the businesses whose prime focus is on its customers, their likes and dislikes to win more market share. There is no such concept as â€Å"one size fits all†in using this technology, it varies from industry to industry. One thing may work for some businesses and may not work for others, therefore it is advisable that one should shop around before investing in any of the technologies because it is vital to find an industry-specific solution. One technique to narrow the search for industry-specific solutions is to find out what our competitors are using to gain more customer base. When it comes to customers, the use of relational database management systems can help in linking various features of business electronically, like connecting a customer with specific productShow MoreRelatedRelational Database System ( Rdbms ) Essay1010 Words  | 5 Pages Introduction Relational Database was proposed by Edgar Codd around the time 1969.It has become dominant for commercial applications. In the 20th century there are countless Relational Database System (RDBMS) take for instance: IBM.DB2 and Oracle. Glossary The following are the main terms and concepts related to the named model: 1. 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